Add Component Variants

To easily mock a component in a variety of states with type safety you can create multiple variants of a component simply by adding a sibling file using a component’s filename and replacing the the .svelte extension with variants.ts. See [SearchResult] for an example with several different variants.

Here is an example of a Header.svelte component’s variants file:

import type { Variants } from 'kitbook';
import type Component from './Header.svelte';
export const variants: Variants<typeof Component> = [
name: 'Desktop',
description: 'Write something about this example if desired.',
width: 800,
height: 600,
props: {
activeURL: "/",
githubURL: "/",
slots: [
content: 'My Workbench'

+page.svelte files are actually just plain Svelte components with a very important data prop. You can create a variants file for them as well but replace + with _ (_page.variants.ts) because + is reserved for SvelteKit files:

import type { Variants } from 'kitbook';
import type Component from './+page.svelte';
export const variants: Variants<typeof Component> = [
name: 'First',
description: 'Foo',
props: {
data: {
// place data props here
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